Word of God

2018 Bible Reading Challenge


Just as employees are provided with a code of conduct when they start work, we have been provided a spiritual code of conduct for our Christian lives.  How does an employee know what is appropriate for her to do as a part of the company? She reads the code of conduct.  How do Christians know what is appropriate for them as part of God’s family? We read the Bible.

In our Christian lives, we are provided with the Word of God to help us know Christ and how to live well as His followers.  The Bible is our source of Truth and is the sound doctrine we are to build our lives around.  Without reading and studying God’s Word regularly, we won’t know how to properly represent our Savior.

Over the last year, I’ve realized the importance of knowing the Bible well.  It tells me about my Savior. It tells me how He wants me to love Him and to live for Him. It tells me what Truth is. I want my life to be full of Scripture. I want to read it, listen to it, study it, memorize it, and meditate on it.

This year, I am going to read through the New Testament.  There are 260 chapters in the New Testament and there are 261 weekdays this year, so that works out to a chapter every week day (plus one extra!).  It’s an attainable goal with built-in catch-up days.

Will you join me reading through the New Testament in 2018?  I’m going to use The Navigators 5x5x5 plan found here: http://www.navigators.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/navtool-newtestament.pdf. This plan mixes up the books of the New Testament so the Gospels, Letters, History, and Prophecy are all intertwined.

I’d love to know if you plan to join me in this Bible reading challenge.  Together we will learn Truth and become more like Christ.

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